Volunteer Expectations
Our program cannot function without the volunteer efforts of many. In addition to the Board of Directors and Chairpersons who ALL serve in a volunteer capacity, volunteers throughout the season are critical. Volunteers will be needed for all home meets. Parents and Caregivers will be asked to volunteer as timers, announcers, concession stand staff and as helpers at other gatherings held throughout the season. We will also be asking for donations for the concession stand for each home meet. Once a family has volunteered in some capacity on THREE separate occasions for EACH SWIMMER, one of which MUST BE A TIME SLOT at concessions, the family will receive a refund of their volunteer fee. There will be a designated “Volunteer Sign-Up Week” at the beginning of the season. If at any point a family cannot fulfill a volunteer slot that they had originally signed up for, the family must find a replacement or $25.00 will be deducted from the volunteer refund. A family can also choose to “Buy-Out” from the volunteer expectations. Swimmers MAY NOT participate in a meet until volunteer spots have been chosen or until a “Buy-Out check has been submitted to the Board.